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ISBN: 1909360201

RRP: £8.95

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A novel by Karen Woods

"Manchester's answer to Martina Cole"

While crime boss Harry Jarvis has been languishing in jail, the Collins brothers have been steadily taking over his crime operation. Life has certainly moved on since Harry went inside. Unusual relationships have blossomed. The up and coming Collins family know Harry's time as top dog is all but over; his wife loves another man and his sons are plastic gangsters.

But when he gets out Harry has other ideas and begins a campaign to destroy his rivals by taking the Collins' lucrative cannabis trade by force setting the two families on an inevitable collision course.

Karen Woods returns to the crime ridden streets of North Manchester to produce a gripping, compulsive tale of greed and revenge.

Empire Publications, 1 Newton Street, Manchester M1 1HW Tel: 0161 872 3319 Fax: 0161 872 4721